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Stagno di Cabras

Nature Sardinia, Italy

An uncontaminated natural paradise Stagno di Cabras

The Cabras pond, one of the largest in Europe, is together with the wetlands of Mistras, Pauli 'e Sali and Sal'e Porcus, which together make up a site of international interest, according to the Ramsar convention. It is an ideal place for birdwatchers: mallards, turkish crested ducks and pink flamingos nest here.​

Recent tips
  • Giulia Dolenz
    Blink User
    Scorso anno
    Attraversato per la passeggiata che da Torregrande porta a San Giovanni... Bellissimo l'incontro con i fenicotteri rosa
  • Thomas O'Brien
    Blink User
    Scorso anno
    Flamingos are here but it's very difficult to get close enough to the water to spot them!
  • Mario Solinas
    Blink User
    Scorso anno
    Incantevoli panorami

    Stagno di Càbras, Provincia di Oristano, Italy

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