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Street Art Guide

Los Angeles, California


LA is home to the most creative and artistic people in the world. The unique and beautiful stories of these diverse lives are reflected on the walls and infrastructure all around. This map helps us see our surroundings more clearly to better understand each other, ourselves, and this incredible city we share.

What a difference the years have made. The Los Angeles Graffiti and Mural scene- especially in Downtown LA- has been undergoing a renaissance the past few years, fueled by an absolutely amazing cadre of local artists, joined by some of the best from around the globe. Your guides, all local artists themselves, are eager to introduce you to this vibrant world and share the work of their friends and fellow artists. The transient nature of the art hasn’t changed. Some pieces you will see might last only days before being covered. Others have been preserved for decades. You’ll also see many other hidden art treasures, including the rich urban sculpture scene and some local spots of truly curious history.

The Art District Section

In the Arts District section of downtown Los Angeles there are some 100 murals in this former industrial section and most buildings — former factories, railroad sites, even brothels — are heavily tagged by artists. Most of the building owners give permission to artists to paint over their exteriors, and some even supply them with paint. And it makes for one awesome art show. This area just 1.2 miles away from tony Disney Hall and the Museum of Contemporary Art, yet with a more urban, gritty look at art. You'll also find a thriving new collection of independent galleries, boutiques, restaurants and breweries drawing heavy crowds on evenings and weekends.