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Parco di Porto Conte

Parco Sardegna, Italia

Visita il territorio di straordinaria bellezza del Parco di Porto Conte

Il parco naturale regionale di Porto Conte è un'area naturale protetta italiana della Riviera del Corallo, situata nella Sardegna nord-occidentale a nord di Alghero. Prende il nome dal sito di notevole importanza geo/naturalistica di Porto Conte in cui instiste per grande prevalenza territoriale.

Consigli recenti
  • Scorso anno
    You are rewarded with every step you take by the beautiful views and the park info boards. Great for a bicycle ride or a family sunny midday picnic. The culmination for me was seeing wild boar piglets next to one of the peaks. I overcame my fear of their mother and made it to the top for a fantastic panorama of Capo Caccia, Alghero and the surrounding golfs. The cliffs are amazing, full of bird life and history.
  • Tim Marriott
    Blink User
    Scorso anno
    Stunning view off the coast well worth the trip. It costs 3 euros to get in and the walk on the car road is 5.5km. You can walk pretty much all the way to the cliffs with a double buggy as well. But it is not paved and will require some effort.
  • John Richardson
    Blink User
    Scorso anno
    An absolutely wonderful time of year to visit not only the region (just 11km) from Alghero airport, but an exceptional place to stay at Hotel Corte Rosada

    Orari di apertura
      Monday: Open 24 hours
      Tuesday: Open 24 hours
      Wednesday: Open 24 hours
      Thursday: Open 24 hours
      Friday: Open 24 hours
      Saturday: Open 24 hours
      Sunday: Open 24 hours

    079 945005

    Strada Provinciale 55, 44, 07041 Tramariglio SS, Italy

    Suggerito da

    This article uses material from this Wikipedia article which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
