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Salama da Sugo Guide

Ferrara, Italy

Food Guide
The Ferrara's Salamina

The salama da sugo is a pork sausage, very tasty: it is prepared by grinding the various parts of the pig, and then it is matured hanging on hooks, such as salami. It is very characteristic to enter the various inns of Ferrara and see the salami hanging from the ceilings! Compared to salami it is smaller and rounder. Once cooked, the salama is consumed hot, without skin, usually accompanied by an abundant portion of mashed potatoes.

The main product of Ferrarese gastronomy

The temporal origins of the Salamis remain rather uncertain, but it is certainly his birthplace, that is Ferrara, where he was particularly appreciated at the court of the Dukes of Este. Even the origins of its name are lost in the mists of time when it appears for the first time in a letter by Lorenzo de 'Medici to the Duke Ercole I d'Este, in which the Magnifico thanks the Prince of Ferrara for the salami da sugo It has come very welcome.

The link with the territory is further underlined by the numerous fairs dedicated to Salama da sugo; at Poggio Renatico there is "The feast of salama da sugo di Buonacompra" and "The days of salami da sugo IGP", in Buonacompra title in mid-July and mid-October and finally the "World Championship of salami da sugo", which takes place in the second half of February in Fiscaglia. In addition, in the small village of Madonna Boschi of 300 inhabitants, in the province of Ferrara, on the occasion of the feast of St. Stephen, on December 26, one of the most important festivals on the Salama da Sugo: the Feast on Salamis at the Spoon of Madonna Boschi.
