The Sardinian pecorino has a long history, which has its roots in the times of the Nuragic population: population dedicated to raising sheep rather than agriculture. At the time of the Carthaginians, and then of the Romans, Sardinia became one of the major centers of grain production in the Mediterranean. So the woods gave way to the wheat, but also to the pasture, which spread rapidly thanks to the particular and favorable environmental and climatic conditions of the island in which natural meadows, covered by a varied and rich bushy vegetation represented then, just like today, a very important food source for sheep raised on the island.
Pecorino Sardo obtains the Denomination of Origin in 1991 with D.P.C.M. of 4.11.91 and in 1996, with Regulation (Ce) n. 1263/96 of 1.07.1996, the community recognition of the PDO - Protected Designation of Origin, thus becoming one of the most typical and representative cheeses of the Sardinian dairy scene.