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Parco dei Sette Fratelli - Monte Genis

Park Sardinia, Italy

One of the most green and fascinating places in Sardinia Parco dei Sette Fratelli - Monte Genis

The regional park of Sette Fratelli - Monte Genis, su cungiau regional de Is Setti Fradis - Monti Genis in Sardinian, with its 58,846 hectares of extension, is among the largest parks in Sardinia. The park extends to the south-east of the province of Cagliari and involves nine municipalities. It occupies part of the Sarrabus and Campidano of Cagliari. It is a sparsely inhabited area; the only inhabited center of the entire park is Burcei, which is completely surrounded by the park. The main road that crosses the park is the Strada Statale 125 Orientale Sarda.

Almost all the mountains in the park do not reach 1000 meters in height. The only mountains that exceed this altitude are Mount Serpeddì, a sharp mountain that dominates the lower Campidano and the Golfo degli Angeli, which reaches 1069 meters in height, and Punta Sa Ceraxa one of the Sette Fratelli, which reaches 1016 metres. Several streams flow through the park which then give life to some medium-sized watercourses with a greater flow rate, such as the Su Pau stream which flows into the territory of Quartu Sant'Elena in the locality of Flumini.

Recent tips
  • Chiara Caspani
    Blink User
    Scorso anno
    Un luogo incantevole, bellissimo per passeggiare in mezzo alla natura. Oggi ho visto tane di cinghiali e ho sentito il bramito dei cervi in lontananza. Emozionante!
  • Vane M
    Blink User
    Scorso anno
    Foresta davvero suggestiva. Anzitutto dispone di una strada sterrata percorribile da qualsiasi auto, non vi sono fossi o altri ostacoli... Ha varie aree picnic con tavoli in buone condizioni. La specialitĂ  di questa foresta sta nel donare sensazioni di benessere e relax: sotto gli alberi a prendere aria fresca, sentire il suono degli uccelli e godersi un'atmosfera diversa dalla rumorosa cittĂ !
  • alessandra ale
    Blink User
    Scorso anno
    Fantastico!!! Pace e silenzio per un bella camminata immersi nella natura!

    Opening Time
      Monday: Open 24 hours
      Tuesday: Open 24 hours
      Wednesday: Open 24 hours
      Thursday: Open 24 hours
      Friday: Open 24 hours
      Saturday: Open 24 hours
      Sunday: Open 24 hours

    070 831038

    09048 Sinnai, Metropolitan City of Cagliari, Italy

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    This article uses material from this Wikipedia article which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
