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Greenwich Village

District New York, New York

The peaceful neighborhood Greenwich Village

Greenwich Village is a mostly residential neighborhood in the Big Apple, and it's the quietest of all. It is located in the western borough of Manhattan. its name is often shortened to Village. The largest event in the United States dedicated to Halloween is held here.

A decidedly different neighborhood from all the others, free from overcrowded grid streets, with skyscrapers giving way to more human-sized buildings. You will be in one of the few oases of peace and tranquility in New York. You can spend an evening in the literary cafes and smoky jazz clubs that have welcomed artists and musicians of the caliber of Bob Dylan, Edgal Allan Poe and Jimi Hendrix. Finally you can take a walk, in the moonlight, in Washington Square Park, the park surrounded by the characteristic buildings of New York University.

Greenwich Village, New York, NY, USA

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