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Grand Army Plaza & Memorial arch

Memorial New York, New York

An American memorial monument Grand Army Plaza & Memorial arch

Brooklyn's large paved forecourt, which straddles the North corner and the main entrance to Prospect Park, is home to the sculptural Triumphal Arch.

The arch was dedicated to the Union Army, the small Union army that fought during the Civil War. The top is adorned with a bronze quadriga of Victory, while on the sides, almost as if they wanted to protect it, you will find two detailed sculptural groups, which celebrate the army and the navy. The monument is worth a read from top to bottom, where you'll see Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses Grant on horseback.

Opening Time
    Monday: Open 24 hours
    Tuesday: Open 24 hours
    Wednesday: Open 24 hours
    Thursday: Open 24 hours
    Friday: Open 24 hours
    Saturday: Open 24 hours
    Sunday: Open 24 hours

(212) 639-9675

20 Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn, NY 11238, USA

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