Anakao or Anokao is a coastal fishing town, with about 3000 inhabitants, on the southwest coast of Madagascar. It is inhabited by nomadic fishermen of the Vezo ethnic group and is a well-known tourist destination. A few minutes by boat from the beach is the coral reef, which offers fantastic scenery for both diving enthusiasts and lovers of unspoiled nature.
During colonial times, Anakao was a busy fishing port, and this remains the main occupation of the villagers today. Shortly after dawn each morning you'll see the fishermen putting out to sea, and tens of tiny sails flutter across the water. Anakao has some pretty beaches, and offshore lies Nosy Ve. This tiny island has a white sandy shoreline, and is home to hundreds of tropic birds. The reefs off Anakao offer good diving and surfing. While snorkelling it is possible to see a myriad of fish including surgeon fish, angel fish, butterfly fish, groupers and rays.