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Chiesa di San Francesco

Church Lucca, Italy

Roman Catholic church and monastery Chiesa di San Francesco

San Francesco is a Gothic-style Roman Catholic church and monastery located in the Piazza San Francesco in the center of Lucca. Members of the Franciscan order had been there since 1228, but the church, as we see it, dates back to the 14th century. The church, built in gravel, has a corridor without a trussed roof.

It was completed in the early 15th century with the inclusion of three apsidal chapels. The facade, which has two arches on either side of the door, adopted a coat of white limestone, which remained incomplete and was only completed in the 20th century. The care with the interior design is in parallel with the construction of the complex, which took from the 14th century to the 17th century.

0583 472611

Piazza S.Francesco, 55045 Lucca LU, Italy

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