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Monte del Tempio

Mountain Jerusalem, Israel

Sacred site of the three great monotheistic religions Monte del Tempio

The Temple Mount is a hill in the southeastern part of the old city of Jerusalem, above the Kidrontal. On its summit is an artificial plateau on which the Temple of Jerusalem or the Temple of Solomon and the later Temple of Herod originally stood, on which the Dome of the Rock is located today. On the southern side of the Temple Mount is the al-Aqṣā Mosque. The Temple Mount is one of the most controversial sacred sites in the world.

Recent tips
  • Jenny Jimenez
    Blink User
    Scorso anno
    God bless Jerusalem and this beautiful temple. May people finally come to Jesus Christ, repent and accept that He is the only Lord AND Savior.
  • Linda Cominetti
    Blink User
    Scorso anno
    In love with this stunning building,the best highlight of Jerusalem in my opinion.go there early in the morning,way before the opening,so you'll be the very first to enter and you'll enjoy without crowds of tourists. Check out the opening hours cause it's only open few hours a day
  • Hasan Jouni
    Blink User
    Scorso anno
    It's Palestinian and will always be for us. 🇵🇸♥️


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