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Moschea Al-Aqsa

Mosque Jerusalem, Israel

Visit the largest mosque in Jerusalem Moschea Al-Aqsa

Al-Aqsa Mosque is a mosque on the Temple Mount in the old city of Jerusalem. It is the third most important mosque in Islam after the al-Haram Mosque with the central shrine of the Kaaba in Mecca and the Prophet's Mosque with the tomb of the Prophet Mohammed in Medina. The mosque has four minarets.

Recent tips
  • Scorso anno
    Third biggest and oldest among the three famous mosques in the world with a good prophetic history where a large number of people who used to stayed before. But due to some sort of security concern no one is permitted to reach or enter inside the mosque. Mostly many of the visitors are rejected to get inside the mosque. They are even not permitted to take pictures.
  • Nasir Fazal
    Blink User
    Scorso anno
    Just beautiful mosque! What a peaceful place to pray. The interior walla., Windows and dome is just amazing to see. One of the oldest mosques with a lot of history.
  • tahir zamir
    Blink User
    Scorso anno
    Definately a hidden gem which needs visiting. Most peaceful place in the world


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