The Beigua regional natural park is a protected natural area of Liguria in an area that extends between the metropolitan city of Genoa and the province of Savona and includes Mount Beigua (1287 m). The park, together with that of the Capanne di Marcarolo, is for the Genoese area the equivalent of the La Mandria natural park for the Turin area, and the South Milan agricultural park for the Milan area, i.e. all metropolitan "belt" nature reserves. Three mountain communities were part of the park: the Argentea mountain community, the Giovo mountain community and the Valli Stura and Orba mountain community. The seat of the park is Arenzano. In the area of the park there are many hiking trails and it is crossed by the Alta Via dei Monti Liguri. The park has an environmental management system certified according to the UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 standard.